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P&F Grant Format

Failure to meet the formatting requirements will lead to an administrative disqualification of the proposal.

The P&F grant applications should include:

  1. Face page with:
    • title of the grant
    • name, email, academic title, department, and institution of the PI
    • names of additional personnel and collaborators
    • 200-word abstract
  2. Biosketches for the PI and other key personnel
  3. The scientific proposal (5-page limit)
  4. References

The entire grant must be submitted as a single emailed PDF file less than 2 MB in size. If the grant includes high-resolution images, these must be reduced to meet the size requirement. No budget is required, but the scope of the work should be appropriate for a 1-year project and the funds cannot be used for PI salary.


Eligible investigators must have faculty appointments at UCLA, Salk, Cedars, or UCSD, and be independent investigators. To be eligible for a P&F grant you need to be eligible to submit an R01 as a PI at the end of the one-year grant period. A joint appointment at an affiliated institution is allowed. Post-doctoral fellows may submit a grant if they provide a letter from their Chair stating that they are about to be appointed to the faculty. 

Investigators eligible for pilot and feasibility funding generally will be expected to fall into 3 categories:

  • Category 1: New investigators without current or past non-mentored NIH research support as a principal investigator (current or past support from other sources being modest)*
  • Category 2: Established investigators with no previous work in diabetes that wish to apply their expertise to a problem in this area
  • Category 3: Established investigators in diabetes/endocrinology research who propose testing innovative ideas that represent clear departure from ongoing research interests

*Emphasis is placed on Category 1 applicants.

Notification Procedure

After approval of the funding decisions by the DRC executive committee, funded and unfunded
investigators will be notified. The expected activation date is 6/1/2023.

Interactions with Other DRC Components

It is expected that junior faculty will be able to rely on the advice and support of a senior DRC investigators and will have a priority access to DRC Cores, including an opportunity to discuss their projects in depth withthe core directors in order to receive maximum benefits from their services. Similarly, investigators with no previous experience in diabetes/endocrinology research will be expected to have a DRC collaborator.

P&F grantees will be encouraged and expected to utilize DRC Core resources. However, the award is given only to the designated PI and not to collaborators.

Final Report & Presentation at the Annual Retreat

A report on each pilot and feasibility study conducted will be due at the end of the study period and an update will be requested yearly for 4 years after the completion of the award.

These brief reports will contain:

  • professional career status at the time of the award, and at the time of the report;
  • an overview of the project including its significance and salient results;
  • a list of resulting publications;
  • and peer-reviewed subsequent funding in the same or related areas.

Funded P&F investigators will be expected to attend the annual DRC Retreats alternating between Los Angeles and La Jolla and present the results of their work in the year immediately following their award and continue to attend the annual meetings for at least 3 years thereafter. Travel to these meetings can be charged to the individual P&F awards.

All papers must cite P30 DK063491 and obtain a PMCID number from NCBI. 
Please cite the DRC Grant in all papers that utilize DRC Cores or are supported by the Pilot and Feasibility Awards:

"Our research utilized Core (or Research) support from the UCSD/UCLA NIDDK Diabetes Research Center P30 DK063491."